Blog - Dangerous game with wood

Dangerous game with wood

Uverejnené 17.05.2023 10:40:39 1 min. čítanie

Dangerous game with wood
Sometimes, even something like this can happen to a dog. After playing with a stick in the park, Lenny kept pawing at his mouth and trying to dislodge something.
Sometimes, even something like this can happen to a dog. After playing with a stick in the park, Lenny kept pawing at his mouth and trying to dislodge something. We didn't find out what it was until he was sedated on the vet's table. Now everything is okay and he can continue playing.


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+421 2 54 412 869
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+421 2 54 412 869
Pondelok 14:00 - 20:00
Utorok 8:00 - 14:00
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