

At Vetline Clinic, we offer specialized endoscopic, laparoscopic, and arthroscopic services, including rhinoscopy, gastroscopy, arthroscopy, and endoscopic lung examination. Our clinic is equipped with a state-of-the-art endoscopic and arthroscopic system of the latest generation from the renowned company STORZ, allowing us to achieve top-quality digital results. Our experts provide comprehensive diagnostics, therapy, and surgery, always prioritizing the utmost care and comfort of your pets.

Diagnostic Procedures


Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Ferret: Examination of the stomach and upper digestive tract, identification of ulcers, inflammations, tumors, and foreign bodies.


Dog, Cat: Examination of the colon, diagnosis of inflammatory diseases, polyps, tumors, and foreign bodies.


Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Ferret: Examination of nasal cavities, diagnosis of inflammations, tumors, and presence of foreign bodies.


Dog, Cat, Ferret: Examination of the respiratory tract, diagnosis of chronic coughs, inflammations, tumors, and foreign bodies.


Dog, Cat: Examination of joints, diagnosis of arthritis, ligament injuries, inflammations, and tumors.

Therapeutic Procedures

Foreign Body Removal:

Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Ferret: Endoscopic removal of foreign bodies from the digestive tract, nasal cavities, or respiratory tract.

Treatment of Inflammations and Infections:

Dog, Cat, Ferret: Local application of medications directly to the affected area using endoscopy.

Arthroscopic Joint Treatment:

Dog, Cat: Treatment and removal of damaged tissue, joint lavage for inflammations.

Surgical Procedures

Endoscopic Biopsies:

Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Ferret: Tissue sampling from the digestive tract, respiratory tract, or joints for histological examination.

Arthroscopic Surgery:

Dog, Cat: Reconstruction and repair of damaged ligaments, menisci, or cartilage in the joints.

Endoscopic Resection:

Dog, Cat: Removal of tumors or polyps from the digestive tract or respiratory tract.

This approach enables us to provide top-level care for your pets with minimal invasiveness and quick recovery.


Staromestská 6/D, 811 03 Bratislava
GPS: 48°8'47.57"N 17°6'17.22"E
+421 2 54 412 869
Otvorené denne od 08:00 do 20:00
Pohotovostná služba 20:00 až 08:00
NON-STOP veterinárny lekár na pracovisku

Vrakunská 43, 821 07 Bratislava
+421 2 54 412 869
Pondelok 14:00 - 20:00
Utorok 8:00 - 14:00
Streda 14:00 - 20:00
Štvrtok 8:00 - 14:00
Piatok 14:00 - 20:00

Mimo ordinačných hodín NON-STOP pohotovosť na Staromestskej ulici 6/D v Bratislave.