Blog - Lymphoma


Uverejnené 17.05.2023 10:22:41 1 min. čítanie

Lymphoma is a relatively common cancer affecting the lymph nodes and other organs. In a 2.5 year old bulldog named Samie, masses were diagnosed on the liver during a CT scan. 
Lymphoma is a relatively common cancer affecting the lymph nodes and other organs. In a 2.5 year old bulldog named Samie, masses were diagnosed on the liver during a CT scan. Based on a histological sample, Samie was started on chemotherapy, which was administered in regular weekly intervals. After 19 weeks, the therapy was discontinued and a follow-up CT scan was performed after 5 months. The images show the liver before (red) and after (green) chemotherapy. Samie is proof that cancer does not discriminate based on age, but it can be successfully fought with treatment.


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