Blog - Mandatory chipping of dogs
Mandatory chipping of dogs
Uverejnené 19.11.2024 17:21:56
1 min. čítanie

Mandatory chipping of dogs has been in effect for a long time now. However, we still encounter cases in our practice where a dog is not chipped.
Mandatory chipping of dogs has been in effect for a long time now. However, we still encounter cases in our practice where a dog is not chipped and the owners are not aware of this new law amendment, according to which a veterinary surgeon MUST NOT treat an unchipped dog, except for emergency care. Starting 1.11.2019, every dog must be chipped. Puppies must be chipped at the latest by 12 weeks of age. Every newly purchased puppy must be marked with a microchip and registered in the central register of social animals AT THE TIME OF PURCHASE - the costs associated with chipping are on the side of the original breeder who sells the dog. However, this is still not being followed and uninformed owners regularly come with a new dog purchased through an advertisement, where it is found that the dog is not chipped and the costs of chipping must be paid by the new owner. We ask dog owners to be careful in these situations when buying or giving away a dog. Every change of owner (including the address where the dog is kept) must be reported to the veterinarian within 21 days. Chipping is a quick procedure in which a metallic implant the size of a rice grain - a microchip - is inserted under the animal's skin. The entire process takes only a few seconds. Owner registration in the central animal registry takes about 10 minutes. The data in the registry includes information about both the dog and the owner. The owner's birth number must be now also provided. Chipping is the only effective tool to ensure safe return of a lost dog back home. By buying an unchipped puppy, you are supporting puppy mills.

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